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tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by diago

hi my hermann tortoise who is about a year old has been bitten by the neigbours dog he has a few cracks in his shell and seems to have lost the use of his left back leg near the crack in shell

i have bathed him he is not bleeding moving around well as well as he can with back leg also not useing the back leg much but when i pick him up is moving it

should i bandage him up

please help dont know what to do this happened about an 2 hours ago 9am


Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by Ozric

Hi Diego, I'm not one of the experts on there but I'm sure you will need a vet with experience of treating tortoise shell damage.

Tortoises shell can often be repaired and many tortoises get better and live a normal life after being harmed.  I think that your tortoise will need a very careful examination as soon as possible.

Someone with more knowledge will be along shortly. Can I suggest you try and find a suitable vet in the meantime?  Ozric

Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Diego,

This tortoise requires medical attention as soon as possible.

There is a list of recommended vets here:-

PLease let us know how you get on.

Best Regards

Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by diago

i contacked the local vet who has not got any experience with injured tortoises and he just said to keep an eye on him for a few days please help

Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by diago

just to update i have phoned one of the reccommended vets on your site and waiting for a call back

Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by diago

hi the norfolk vet on the list of reccommended vets no longer speacilizes in retiles and tortoises and they gave me another number to ring in morning in norwich which is if you wish to update your details louise raymond 01603 898984

will let you know how it goes tomorrow

Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 28/07/2009 by tpgsteph

Hi Diego,
Good luck tomorrow
Yes please let us know how you get on.


Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 30/07/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Diego
So sorry to hear about your little one, hope everything goes OK- I am sure it will all be OK once you have a professional Vet to treat your torty-
Jane Keya & Molly


Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 30/07/2009 by Laraine

How did you get on at the vets? How is your tortoise now/

Hope all is well


Re: tortoise attacked please help
Posted: 06/08/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Diago, how is your tortoise doing?  Hope he is ok, please let us know.

We would also be grateful for details of the vet you took him to, to enable us to add him to our list.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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