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Posted: 23/08/2009 by acorn1963

hiya its me again lol i,m a little worried about shelbys urates when she wees she always had white and creamybit now they seem a bit lumpy and darker in colour shes seem a bit off weather at the moment we are moving her into her new home i got a xxxl rabbit hutch i,m copying  the one in the gallery they look brill all i,m waitng for is her lights then  she can move in she has been kept in a viv all her life but it horrid and anyone can see she dos,nt like it. the lady who we got her from was such a nice lady i think she try her best with the information she got when she bought her her you can give me a bit of advice i do worry about my little baby thank you (ellen)Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: peepees
Posted: 23/08/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Ellen,

Are you bathing her regularly? If so then i doubt she is dehydrated. It could be a bladder stone she is trying to pass. I would bath her daily or even twice daily, have the water slighty warmer than usual but not too hot obviously and pour water over her giving her a good soaking. See if this helps.


Re: peepees
Posted: 23/08/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Ellen,

May I ask what spevies she is please?

She'll no doubt be pleased to be in her new accommodation and you will see the benifits. Vivariums are not suitable for a number of reasons. If her urates are becoming lumpy/gritty - it is a sign of dehydration. May I ask how often you are bathing her please?


Kindest Regards



Re: peepees
Posted: 23/08/2009 by acorn1963

hiya when i got sheby the woman said she was a 2 year old hermann but she got spurs on her back legs  i,m going to take her to a reptile shop theres a very nice man her will have a look at her maybe he will give me some advice i have enclosed a photo of her and ond in her viv these were taken by her old owner she looks happy but i suppose this is what shes use to

Re: peepees
Posted: 23/08/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Ellen,

Unfortunately many reptile shops are not very knowledgeable about the welfare of the animals they keep and are largley responsible for the sale of tortoises with vivariums  Click and drag me down to the editor


Have you a shot of her underside please?

She looks like a marginated tortoise from the photo.






Re: peepees
Posted: 24/08/2009 by acorn1963

hiya darren thank you for helping me with my little problem i have given shelby extra bath i made the water a little bit warmer and she seems alot better in her self i have enclosed a few photos of her belly also i bought some playsand to add to the topsoil for shelbys new home the seem a bit damp its just normal playsand from b& q will this be ok


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