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Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 03/09/2009 by helenk

Good wishes to all. I'm keeper of Rupert the Hermann's, now aged seven and, so far, doing very well. Just wondering what people do when they go on holiday, as regarding their tortoise? I've so far managed to put upon relatives to either come around, or kindly have him to stay, but I'm wondering if there are such things as tortoise boarding kennels (I used to have a cat and it seemed very easy to board him!)? Does anyone have experience of this issue?

Re: Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 04/09/2009 by tortoise7

I think you will not find many places who do this because of the high risk of cross infection between the different species. I am Ok at the moment because my daughter lives at home but that could change at any time for me also, so I am looking around for a tortoise sitter who will come and stay at the house, of course it has to be someone you can absolutely trust, but as the torts don't like change it would be much better. Sometimes the Breeder who you brought the tort from will look after them, but the entirely depends on their circumstances
Hope that has given you a few options, it will be interested to see how others cope

Re: Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 05/09/2009 by Row

Hi! Like Jane I have to rely on family members. The 1st year I went away I had to take mine to my Mum's but now I have two and they getting bigger I thought this to be to unsettling for them so I rely on my brother to pop in teice day but he only live 2 mins down the road.  I personnaly think it has to be someone you trust.

It's a shame a that there isn't a directory of Tort keepers with where they live and we could have a holiday support group!

Re: Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 07/09/2009 by Shelbyville

I am lucky as the lady who bred my two, boards them for me if we go away. However this is because they have not had any contact with any other tortoises, so the risk of cross infection is very slim as both hers and mine are closed groups. 

Re: Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 24/09/2009 by helenk

Thankyou for all your posts! Much appreciated. Back to the drawing board, I guess........or not going away on holiday!!

Re: Tortoise Boarding
Posted: 24/09/2009 by VivTPG

Helen, it might be worth you asking when you book your hol, you could ask if there is anyone who lives in your area if they can take him in, or come to your house.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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