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sleepy tortoise
Posted: 04/09/2009 by clover

hi everyone, need advice please on our tortie. we have had him for about two years now. for the last week he hasn't really come out of his indoor home. we checked  him and was cold so we put him under the lamp and he ate some dandylion, but since then he has gone back under his newspaper shavings and doesn't appear to want to come out, is he getting ready to hibenate & if so whats the next thing we should do.


Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 04/09/2009 by tpgAli


Could you please give us abit more information on your tortoise, what species is it and how old?


Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2009 by clover

hi we think he is about 3/4 years old & herman

thanks for your help

Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2009 by tpgAli


Ok, it may be that your tortoise is starting to slow down in preparation for hibernation, my horsfields are already starting to dig underground in the greenhouse with the change in weather recently. Do you mind me asking what set up you have your tortoise in and also the lighting/uvb/subtrate you are using?


Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 05/09/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Clover,

This time of year many tortoises do slow down and it can cause concern for owners. The difficulty is determining whether it is merely that they have started slowing down because their bodyclocks have told them it's time to do so (which is usually the case) or whether there really is an underlying problem.

I would be inclined to check the ambient temperature & basking temperature. Daily bthing, if you're not already doing so, and offer food just after bathing. They are far more likely to eat once they have warmed up.

Please let us know how you get on


Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 06/09/2009 by clover

hi everyone - he is an indoor tortoise at one end of his pen he has a uva/uvb combined light, he has cobbles to climb over, a log house & newspaper shreddings. at non light end the temp is the same as the room about 20c. hope that helps, should we get him out & give daily bathings?

thanks very much

Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 06/09/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Clover,

I would continue bathing and offering food.

Are you hibernating him this year?


Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 06/09/2009 by clover

hi darren

we are not sure if we can this year, have looked at the jackson ratio he weighs 463g & length 130mm, is it ok to hibenate, or should we leave it this year, it appears he may be slightly underweight. have just given a warm bath and he has eaten a small amout of dandylion, but has just gone back into his shreddings.

what now team?

Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 08/09/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Clover
Your tort is the ideal weight for hibernation from the measurements you have given they work out on the scale 0.210 which is perfect. Do you guys all agree?

Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 09/09/2009 by TPGDarren

I do:-)

Re: sleepy tortoise
Posted: 29/09/2009 by clover

hello everybody - many thanks for all your replies, sorry its taken so long have been on holiday. in view of all your great advice i have decided to let him hibernate this year, its all a bit nerve racking. so may need your help again. once again many thanks

clover xx



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