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Digging down
Posted: 10/09/2009 by Debi

Hi Chaps,

Mr Brown has taken to digging himself so deep into the ground that i can barley find him, is this normal considering thats it still warm & sunny, he's fine when i dig him out and trundles around the garden for a while, but then seems to want to go back to sleep.


Debs Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Digging down
Posted: 10/09/2009 by tpgAli

Hi Debs,

Is he is horsfield?  If so then this is pretty normal for them, some of mine are doing the same and im getting fed up with digging them up each evening when i get in from work Click and drag me down to the editor  You will just have to keep digging him up as its abit early for hibernation, make sure he is still eating as he needs to feed himself up before wind down.


Re: Digging down
Posted: 11/09/2009 by Debi

Thanks Ali,

He's a Herman's, but he seems happy enough & is eating ok so i'll just keep an eye on where he goes to play (lol).

Kind Regards



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