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Introducing another tortoise
Posted: 12/09/2009 by aliceham

Hi all,

My son wants another tortoise for christmas to go with his other one. Percy is a 1 year and a bit H.T Boettgeri and we think he is male (even though we cant say for sure). How would he react to having another tortoise in his enclosure?


Re: Introducing another tortoise
Posted: 12/09/2009 by aliceham

he's a T.H Boettgeri
not H.T


Re: Introducing another tortoise
Posted: 14/09/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Alice, tortoises are by nature quite solitary creatures so he wouldnt be craving for company.  At a year old it is as you say hard to say what sex it is, another male may in time not get on with each other, and if you introduced a female if he is male he may pester her!  The best ratio is one male to three females!!

Another factor to consider is that you would have to quarantine a new tortoise for at least six months, you would have to get a complete new set up for the new tort until quarantine period is over, unless you bought another tort from the same breeder you got Percy from.

Hope this helps, regards Vivienne Click and drag me down to the editor


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