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Posted: 16/09/2009 by kathy tucker

Evie, my sister's 100 year tortoise has been diagnosed with gout and is taking allopurinol as prescribed by her vet. She is not making progress however and Sue, my sister's biggest concern, is that Evie has not urinated for 3 weeks.

Does she need to worry about lack of weeing? Is there anything else she can do for poor little Evie? (vet's bills are very expensive and my sister cares for 14 rescue torties)

My sister is really fretting.

Please can you help?

Kathy Tucker (Sue's sister and tortoise friend)

Re: evie
Posted: 17/09/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Kathy,

Does your sister bathe her tortoise at all?

Also may I ask what she feeds her tortoise please?


Re: evie
Posted: 18/09/2009 by kathy tucker

Hi Darren

My sister does bathe Evie and her diet is vegetarian, usually lettuce and cabbage leaves I believe. Sue feels that if Evie could wee, she would start to get better. Sue also mentioned that she has retracted her head and isn't keen to come out; she is just one lacklustre little tortoise. Hope this info. helps.



Re: evie
Posted: 19/09/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Kathy

I'll ask the advice of Kevin Eatwell the TPG vet, though he has had a few problems getting on here:-(


Re: evie
Posted: 24/09/2009 by kathy tucker

Hi Darren

Thanks for offering to speak to Kevin Eatwell, however Sue has recently taken Evie to a vet and they advised putting a line into her tummy, but have said that this may not help as she really is a very poorly tortoise.

I'm praying for the best but realise that Evie may have to be put to sleep as she is so dehydrated and puffed out.

Thank you for your concern and may I say what a useful website the TPG have.


Kathy Tucker



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