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very poorly!!! Posted: 28/09/2009 by debbi |
Hello, i have a Herman tortoise called tilly. i have just returned from my holiday to find my tortoise off her food & not eaten for the week i was away, my mother has been looking after her for me putting out her food & giving her daily baths. Only problem is one day she was put out in the garden before my dog add done her buisness & before my mum had noticed & had a chance to clean it up Tilly had a real feast eating it :-s on friday Tilly started with a streaming nose, like thick dirty water- & very noticable dog poo, i took her to the vets & explained what had happened, he thought maybe she has Pneumonia. He took a swab from the water coming from her nose & i'm awaiting the results, mean time she had a antibiotic injection on the friday & again on Saturday & Sunday i started her with oral antibiotics Batryl 0.4mls, Today i gave her medicine & she bought up loads of fluid from her mouth & nose, i gave her another bath & after, she again bought up all the water she had drunk, mainly from her mouth (loads & loads) & her nose. She is still walking around very high off the ground, today has shown signs of being hungry & has tried melon , but has been very sick after eating it, bring everything back up, again with signs of dog poo, she has now lost a tenth of her body weight, i'm so worried & will be returning her to the vets tomorrow! I don't think she has pneumonia, i'm thinking along the lines of a blockage. I would be very interested in any advice you could give me, a very very worried mum. Debbi | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Debbi Im really sorry to hear this, porr Tilly, I know how worried you must be. I have emailed our Vet Advisor and asked if he can give any advice. The only thing I can really offer is that Tilly needs to be kept warmer than usual if she is on antibiotics, so you need to up the temps a bit. Please let us know how you get on at the vets, and as soon as I hear back from Kevin I will let you know what he says. Keeping everything crossed for you both Arlene TPG | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by debbi |
Thankyou Arlene, Tilly has been kept very warm under a lamp, speeding her mets up, so antibiotics start working quicker. i have a appointment at 9.50am & i feel sick to the bottom of my stomach, i'm so worried!! I will let you know whats happening as soon as i get home. Debbi | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by debbi |
Hi i'm back, not looking good, Tilly has again lost more weight. I'm not happy as the tortoise specialist is not around today, so not impressed the vets available were reading from books trying to figure out what to do next! I insisted on a x-ray to be taken, incase she had swallowed anything else while i was away like a stone etc, as i have found her many times eating stones & bark in the garden, i have also made them give her the wormer incase she has a gut impact- from eating the dog poo, resulting in a build up of worms blocking her insides. She has had another antibiotic injection today & also a anti inflamatry injection as she had a ulcer on her tongue, but this looks better than it did on friday.....i am very concerned that she's not keeping down fluids & have also insisted they keep her in for observation over night, incase she needs any hands on help from them, today they are going to try & contact Mr Dash the specialist who usually sees her. she is still bringing up fluid from her mouth & nose! I do hope she pulls through this......... Debbi | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by debbi |
X-ray results have shown a very radiant white mass in her kidney area, luckly they have spoke to Mr Dash the tortoise specialist & he is going in to look at her .... | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Debbi Jane, Keya & Molly | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 29/09/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Debbi We are all keeping everything crossed for Tilly - I have heard back from Kevin Eatwell, the TPG Vet Advisor, and he has asked me to post the following for you, although things have prgressed since I contacted him this morning, and you have now visited the vet again and had the xrays but I thought I would post it anyway This tortoise sounds quite ill and should be taken back to the vets urgently. It sounds like it requires radiography to assess it further but this of course is your vets decision. Radiography will help to rule out a blockage and check for pneumonia. All the best Arlene TPG | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 30/09/2009 by debbi |
I've just had a call from my vet, they say they can do no more to help tilly!!! They now think it could be a stone stuck....but to tell you the truth, i don't think they have a clue! I have been given a 2 choices, 1st to take her some where else that is about 1hr/1 1/2hrs away, i have no transport & a sick 5month old baby at home....they say she will prob need a operation, this is going to cost lots & lots of money & i have already paid £200 over 2days for treatment, my next choice is to have her put to sleep!!!!!!!!! we haven't even had her swab results back.....i'm so so sad & just can't stop poor poor tilly..... | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 30/09/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Debbi Jane, keya & Molly | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 01/10/2009 by VivTPG |
Debbi, I am so sorry to hear you have to make this choice. Would your vet let you have a plan where you could pay the money back weekly? Or could you try getting another opinion from a tortoise specialist vet? Let us know how you get on, thinking of you Regards Vivienne | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 02/10/2009 by debbi |
Hi, this week has been such a roller coaster!!! Tilly is still alive & fighting, i made the decision to wait for the results of the swaps taken last week, she was still bringing up the fluid, but we now know what bugs she has...Mr Dash has been my rock through this, he has lots of tortoises himself & has become very involved with the care of tilly, he has been phoning around & between himself & 2 other specialists, have been pumping her with all sorts drugs & more fluids....this morning i was told it looks very much we are going to lose her, as she looked so so poorly , but i have just got off the phone..she has had her first dose of the correct drug needed & has perked up a tiny bit, walking for the first time in 2weeks!!! she's not at all out of the woods yet, but theres a glimmer of hope. please don't think bad of me for not traveling the long distance for a second opinion, but i'm i'll myself with kidney diease & not being able to leave my house. will keep you informed. Thankyou so much for your support Debbi | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 02/10/2009 by VivTPG |
Oh Debbi so glad to hear that, I have everything crossed for you. Keep us informed Vivienne | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 03/10/2009 by tortoise7 |
Hi Debbi | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 07/10/2009 by debbi |
hello, thought i'll pop in & give a update on Tilly. She is still at the vets & really turned a corner, they have had to stop with tube feeding her as she has become very naughty & won't let them do it! yesterday she started walking quite a bit & went into the bedding box for the first time & today, even ate some food, even though she bought it all back up, it's a massive change, just wish the bringing up of fluid would stop, it's like syrup! does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this. in the mean time she is continuing with i.v fluids & antibiotics. every day she is stronger, but obiviously i'm still very concerned, she also still hasn't been to the toilet in weeks! Jane, Keya & Molly | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 12/10/2009 by debbi |
My beautiful Tilly saddly died today | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 12/10/2009 by tpgAli |
Hi Debbi, I am so sad to read Tilly died Take care Ali | |
Re: very poorly!!! Posted: 14/10/2009 by VivTPG |
Oh Debbi, I am so sad to hear Tilly died, you tried all you could for her. Big hugs to you Regards Vivienne | |