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Queenie is here
Posted: 31/10/2009 by winnie

I can't believe I'm so excited but I am. With the help of a work collegue pics of Queenie are now in the photo gallery. Now I feel like a proper tortie owner instead of a pretend one. There's gunna be no stoppin me now, plenty more pics sittin' on the memory card.

Re: Queenie is here
Posted: 31/10/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Winnie,


She's lovely - a real credit to you Click and drag me down to the editor


Here's the link (hopefully)





Re: Queenie is here
Posted: 02/11/2009 by winnie

Thanx Darren I think she's lovely to but I can't take all the credit as I've only had her since May. Somebody else has obviously put in a lot of work.


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