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twigs got a new hutch
Posted: 02/08/2008 by shazzler

hi all , i finally got twigs a new hutch and so far so good she likes it, ive put 2 pics in her file if anybodies interested also could somebody please give me advice on how to insulate it properly

thanks sharon xxxxx

Re: twigs got a new hutch
Posted: 02/08/2008 by tpgadmin

Hi Sharon

It looks great but I would put a little door on it for night time though to keep wind and rain out.  Twiglet will love it too.  As far as insulation is concerned I'm not really your man, but hopefully I've uploaded some pictures of the insulation my husband used on my Hermann's house.  He bought the material from a builders supply merchant.


Re: twigs got a new hutch
Posted: 03/08/2008 by TPGJo

Hi Sharon,

There are lots of different materials you can use for insulation, there isn't really a 'standard' one.  Kingspan insulation is very popular, particularly for tortoises that dont hibernate and will stay outdoors.  It's very thick insulation and is very effective.  I have also used polystyrene tiles in my smaller cold frames that I use for babies/juveniles.  I staple them around the walls and floor, then cover them with wood panels and staple the panel (this stops them eating the polystyrene, being white they are attracted to it.

I know keepers who make false walls around the inside and fill the gap with polystyrene balls too, this works well too.

Hope some of this helps.


Re: twigs got a new hutch
Posted: 03/08/2008 by shazzler

Click and drag me down to the editor thanks guys, all advice will be taken on board and modifications will be made asap, thats if i can get twigs out voluntarily as she is happily snoozing under her heat lamp, i know people have said that russians can tolerate cooler conditions but my little one certainly prefers it to be about 25 in her hutch thing is this within an ok range for her? sharon xxx


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