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a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by Fredy

Hello all,
is there a list of 'bad' online shops? Would you say all of them are a big NO-No?
Just curious and want to understand more about dealers

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by VivTPG

Hi, no we dont have a list of bad online shops, and yes I would consider them all a great big NO, NO. 

The torts they are selling are more than likely to be imports, raised and imported in horrific conditions with diseases and parasites being passed from one to another, not to mention the stress they are put under.  The chances of them surviving are greatly reduced.  Online shops courier the torts, often the carriers are unaware they are transporting live animals, so the boxes are thrown around.  And like pet shops they are only interested in the profit, so you will be encouraged to buy uneccessary equipment.  

Hope this helps! Regards Vivienne

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Couldn't agree more.
The TPG atended a reptile fair in Hamm, Germany a while back. Many of the dealers there export tortoises to the UK including one person who boasted that he exported thousands to the UK (there is film of some of his tortoises on the video).

There's a link to the Fair on the Home page called "A Far Cry From Nature" - I tend to think it gives a very good indication of what these poor animals "the dealers commodity" have to endure and an insight into the level of respect they are given by the dealers.


Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by Fredy

That's horrible!!! It would be useful to have a list of UK online shops/dealers specially for people like me, beginners. I know all the shops are bad and I wouldn't buy from them, but it is still useful and i hope it's legal to have a list of those very shops.

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by Fredy

Sorry one more thing. What do you think of this one? For someone like me it looks genuine and it looks like it does breed the tortoises himself or selected CITES approved.
As I said before I won't buy from these places because I read what you said in this forum and I feel it is totally right. But i don't want to even think if I didn't come here first what would have happened?
Thanks all

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi, If you look to the left "Buying a Tortoise" there is a list of breeders. I am buying a Horsfield next week from a breeder. I cannot wait, am so excited! This site is fantastic, I have learnt so much! I will never buy from a pet shop or online, I simply cannot believe they post them! Dreadful! Good luck with your future purchase

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

I just found that video, OMG I can't watch anymore of it :( Just awful, so so sad!

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by Fredy

I don't want to buy online or any shop.
I am looking for a breeder but none where I live. Anyone in London area willing to sell a horsfield or hermann?

Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 10/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi Fredy, There is on the list a breeder in London selling Hermanns! Dave his name is, Have a look on the breeders list :)


Re: a list of bad online shops
Posted: 11/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Fredy,

The Tortoise Shop do import tortoises and they also use couriers to deliver them. Personally I would stick try the breeders on the list. Other species you might like to consider are Iberas & Marginated tortoises. The husbandry is exactly the same. There are photos of each species in the care sheets section under tortoise


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