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How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 03/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Hi TGP I have tidied up my members gallery and added some photos, and was trying put them into sequence but it wouldn't let me. I thought if I loaded the image of keya first , which I wanted as my openeing page, that would work but it did not, each time I loaded an image it took priority. Can you tell how I can re-arrange the order of the images into the sequence. I have a list of the image No's. Thanks | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 04/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Hi TPG I have tidied up my members gallery and added some photos, and was trying put them into sequence but it wouldn't let me. I thought if I loaded the image of keya first , which I wanted as my opening page, that would work but it did not, each time I loaded an image it took priority. Can you tell how I can re-arrange the order of the images into the sequence. I have a list of the image No's. Thanks | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in members gallery Posted: 04/08/2008 by tpgadmin |
Hi Jane I'm sorry you have had to ask us twice re the members gallery. I've not been around much today which is why your question has been left unanswered. I've now had a look at your image set in the administration area and the only thing that Viv and I are able to do is to delete images. I find this not very helpful too, but it is only when we start using something that we become aware of any shortfalls and this web site is still in its early days. I don't know if there is a way around this problem until I've spoken to the Web Designer. If it is possible then there may very well be a cost to sort it out and that will have to wait until there is some more fundraising done. Thanks for bringing it to our attention and I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful this time, but I will keep you informed when I get more information. I still love your photos and thenk Keya is very lucky. Helen | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 04/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Hi Helen Sorry to post twice, I was trying to correct my mistakes and thought that maybe I could delete the first posting and replace it with an amended version...trying to be too clever for my own good. Jane
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Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in members gallery Posted: 06/08/2008 by tpgadmin |
Hi Jane Well I've spoken to our Web designer today about the problems we have in organising our albums. He can alter it so we can easily move the images about but it will involve a lot of work and that has cost implications for us. There is a free way around it for now, but it isn't that easy. All images seem to appear by file name in alphabetical order by default. All you need to do then is to rename the files and if for each image you start with e.g. 1 Keya...., 2 Keya...., 3 Keya.... etc. then they will appear in that order. The trouble is that it won't let you rename the images you have already uploaded; so the frustrating thing is that you will need to rename them on your PC and then delete all the current images you have already uploaded and then upload them again but this time using the new file names. I hope that makes some sort of sense to you. You could always try doing just 1 first of all to see how it works. Good luck and when we get some more money we'll see about sorting this issue out properly. Helen | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 06/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Hi Helen Firstly Thank you for taking so much trouble to answer my question. I will have a go at re-numbering my photo's and loading them into the members gallery. I may have to do this next week now as I have a heavy week-end coming up, but it will worth the effort I am sure. Jane
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Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 12/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Hi Helen I have managed to put my photo's in the members Gallery in sequence now, by re-numbering them 1, 2 etc , I did find out however that you have to number them 01, 02 etc or you run into problems when you get to No. 10 as it only recognises the No.1 and puts that first. Anyway I am really pleased that I could do that, and it was easy to do once you know the golden rule. Thanks | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 12/08/2008 by tpgNina |
They look great, Jane, and the comments with the photos are very informative. I think you will be able to give a masterclass in uploading and organising photos on this site! | |
Re: How can i re-arrange photo's in memebrs gallery Posted: 13/08/2008 by tortoise7 |
Thanks Nina, I don't know about the masterclass, but I can certainly tell everyone the mistakes that happen, as I done plenty of them teehee Jane | |