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Weed Identification
Posted: 09/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi all, I am trying to find out what this is, It's a weed I picked this morning. What is it? and is it safe for my Teddy to eat? Thanks Claire  Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Weed Identification
Posted: 09/12/2009 by kohimagirl

Could be wrong, but it looks like strawberry plant to me, so I know strawberries are not good, although mine like the occasional taste in the summer, I'm not sure about the leaves.


Re: Weed Identification
Posted: 09/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi, I have strawberries, leaves are not the same, thanks for helping though... I think its possibly Woundwort or common figwort. I really need confirmation as to whether this is safe.

Re: Weed Identification
Posted: 09/12/2009 by VivTPG

Hi, it looks like white dead nettle to me, which is safe to eat, here is a link to The Tortoise Table did it look like this?

VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Weed Identification
Posted: 10/12/2009 by tortoise7

Yes I would definately say that is Dead nettle

Jane H

Re: Weed Identification
Posted: 10/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hi All Thanks for your replies, It does look like Dead nettle, I gave Teddy some and he liked it :) Thank you again


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