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Posted: 10/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

I have found this weed and would like to know what it is and is it safe for Teddy? Thanks in advance

Re: Weed?
Posted: 10/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

I have looked on the new site for identification on my weed and I cant find it :( I may have missed it as there are many weeds. Any help would be great! :)

Re: Weed?
Posted: 11/12/2009 by VivTPG

It would be a good idea to post a pic of it on the forum, its under the heading 'garden shed chat', I cant think what it is!!  So I would avoid giving it to them until you are sureClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: Weed?
Posted: 11/12/2009 by tes.tudo1

It looks like Dog Mercury to me! Have a look at this link........

If that's what it is, don't feed because it's toxic.


Re: Weed?
Posted: 11/12/2009 by Clairestortoise

Hello Joan, It certainly looks it, I will not feed. Thanks


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