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pacing up and down restless
Posted: 10/12/2009 by turbox

hi can someone please advice what could be wrong with scoop she is up in the morn for about 7am warms up and then starts her new daily routine of zooming round her table climbing and digging to get out she carnt see out so no worry there she never stops all day till about 4pm then goes to bed but has been wandering around in the dark when her lights have gone off iv had to take out her plant as she kept falling of landing on her back not been able to right herself was worried if i was out and she did it she may become stressed. she is eating ok and looks well clear eyes etc, this has only been for the last 5 days now she seems so restless any ideas?


kimClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: pacing up and down restless
Posted: 10/12/2009 by tortoise7

Hi Kim

Was scoop in an outside pen during the warmer weather, and you have now brought her in doors ? I ask because Keya takes a few weeks to settle in her indoor pen after being outside, or have you put new substrate in. Keya goes barmey when I clean out her pen? just some suggestions

Re: pacing up and down restless
Posted: 11/12/2009 by turbox

hi no she been indoors since august when we got here and she has been fine up till past week she never settles justs climbs,digs and bombs around she doesnt even bask under her lights at the min.


Re: pacing up and down restless
Posted: 11/12/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Kim, have you double checked the temps under the lamps, that they are not too hot or cool?  And has she been wormed?

I have some babies whose tabletop is in the house and they are very active but they have been throughout! If she is eating and drinking as normal then she how she goes this next week, if you are at all worried though have your tortoise vet check her over.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: pacing up and down restless
Posted: 04/01/2010 by dustyatwy

Hi Kim

Did you get to the bottom of this? One of my little ones has randomly started going mad - charging around from the second he gets up until the second his lights go off and he goes to bed. Absolutely nothing has changed environmentally, and his brother who he lives with does not have to same problem. Please help!!!

Many thanks


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