You're in > TPG Members Forum > Tortoise Care, Health/Problems > growth on tailspur? |
growth on tailspur? Posted: 28/12/2009 by bellfort |
hi i have a 5 year old herman we got him as a pet in july 09 from a reputable reptile specialist. he hasnt eaten for the last few days, i noticed what appears to be a either a growth on his tail spur / rectum or faeces stuck to him but i have bathed him and it isnt moving and i am afraid to pull it. i intend to bring him to the vet but he is a generalist vet so unlikely to be familiar with tortises. any advice much appreciated many thks simon | |
Re: growth on tailspur? Posted: 28/12/2009 by tpgarlene |
Hi Is there any chance you could post a photo of his tail so that we can have a look? Cheers, Arlene TPG | |