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Safe Marking
Posted: 15/02/2010 by davesears

Just bought 2 Hermans from somebody who decided she didnt want them anymore. Both had been kept in a vivarium.

Both settling in nicely in our tortoise table, climbing, tunneling, eating etc.

They was hatched in this country by a breeder Aug 2008 - problem is I cant tell them apart as they are very similar.

Is it safe to use tippex as a small mark on their sheels to identify them to enable records of weight, size etc? Our other Hermanns was marked in such a way when purchased from another breeder.


Dave & Cathy

Re: Safe Marking
Posted: 15/02/2010 by TPGDave


Some tortoise breeders do put a spot of tippex or nail varnish on tortoises shells, I'd be inclined towards tippex, I've had tortoises come to me with numbers tippexed on the shell, one summer outside and its gone, so you might need to reapply it. Personally I'd not put it on the top of the tortoises carapace, one of the scutes near the tails would be best.

.I find that the plastron markings of Hermanns differ enough to be able to tell them apart. Somtimes this is more visible from a reference photo.

Re: Safe Marking
Posted: 16/02/2010 by Clairestortoise

My Teddy still has her pink nail varnish on her, Is it Scutal, the 4th one along from her tail area...Its still there! Ive tried to rub it off but it wont budge...Im gonna keep it there for identification.:) Think it was marked on her when she hatched, so the breeder knew who was who lol


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