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Not eating
Posted: 25/02/2010 by johnly

Hi - my tortoise (Horsfield almost 3 years old - 10cm/95g) has not eaten since coming out of hibernation almost two and a half weeks ago. I took vetinary advice to monitor him after a week and weigh and measure him and as he still hadn't eaten took him to vet last night. He gave him a vitamin injection with the hope that would help keep him going until he decided to eat but offered no other treatment other than hope he would survive. He did not examine mouth although when tortoise first came out and yawned his mouth appeared pink and healthy. He has been quite lively and has been bathed daily. he has voided uric acid at least twice, yesterday being last time and it appeared appropriate colour and consistency. he does not respond to food at all. Is there something further that can be done as I don't want to leave it at that if there is further help available? 

Re: Not eating
Posted: 25/02/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi John,

Try bathing him in Reptoboost, made by Vetark. It's an extremely good pick-me-up.


Re: Not eating
Posted: 25/02/2010 by TPGDave

Hello there,

Can you tell us what temperatures the tortoise has for its basking spot at the moment and also if you know the overnight temperatures.  It would be good to provide the tortoise with 14 hours of basking light a day and keep the overnight temperature above 15-16 degrees. Heat and light really stimulate a tortoise back into its routine. You could consider adding a flouresent UVB tube to the setup to make it really bright during the day.

Keep up the bathing and I've been using a product called Reptiboost, available online or from some vets, for post hibernation tortoises. This is added to the tortoises bathing water and it contains electrolytes and easisly converted dextrins, things that a tortoises body needs post hibernation and could aid the tortoise in regaining its appetite.

Please keep us posted on how the tortoise is doing. 

Re: Not eating
Posted: 25/02/2010 by TPGDarren

Here's the link on the Vetark site if you're unable to obtain it locally:-




Re: Not eating
Posted: 25/02/2010 by johnly

Thank you for replying Darren and Dave. I will try the Reptiboost - thanks for the link. I have been keeping a UVB light and heat lamp on for at least 10 hours but will leave it on for longer. I think I have been letting it get a bit colder at night with the heating off but will keep it on and hope the gas price goes down! It is possible that he may have had a little nibble whilst I was out today but nothing significant - thank you for your advice though and I will keep you posted.

Re: Not eating
Posted: 26/02/2010 by tortoise7


Do you guys put reptiboost in the water on the first bath after coming out of hibernation or only if they are not eating too well?


Re: Not eating
Posted: 26/02/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Jane,

I don't particularly use it post-hibernation, though it would be a good idea to do so. I have used it with great results for sick tortoises and problem hatchlings.


Re: Not eating
Posted: 26/02/2010 by tortoise7

I am taking Molly out of hibernation next Friday so I will put the reptiboost in, anything that will give her a good start. Fingers crossed all goes well Click and drag me down to the editor I have taken the day off Friday so that I can be with her for the first 3 days, have checked the vet is available so everything is in place Click and drag me down to the editor

Jane H

Re: Not eating
Posted: 27/02/2010 by tortoise7

Hi John

Has your tortoise started eating yet?

Jane, Keya Molly

Re: Not eating
Posted: 27/02/2010 by VivTPG

I took one of my horsfields out of the fridge last Wed and put her in a warm bath with reptiboost she soon perked up and was eating the same day, she may have done it without but thought it might help her!!

I had two spur thighs wake on their own on Tues morning, they dug themselves down in the table top in the shed, saw them peeping at me just as I was feeding the others - BEFORE going to work! Panic stations had to bath them and put extra basking light on for them, didnt put reptiboost in this time but they are fine too!! 

Hope it goes ok for you Jane.

Regards Vivienne 

Re: Not eating
Posted: 27/02/2010 by tortoise7

Click and drag me down to the editorGreat news Vivienne, hope it goes as well for us. I guess you were late to work???
Jane, Keya Molly

Re: Not eating
Posted: 01/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Just in time for the nice weather Viv - looks as though we'll be doping the big wake-up this weekend:-)



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