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White mark on leg
Posted: 28/02/2010 by RSandys

Hi, we've just woken our 5yr old Hermann's after hibernation, she's called Max. She seems perfectly well, eating and drinking, but on checking her over I'm worried that she has a hard white mark on her front right leg. It doesn't seem to hurt her and she's walking fine, but it hasn't come off in the bath. Could this be a fungus?

Thanks, Becca

Re: White mark on leg
Posted: 01/03/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Becca, its hard to say without seeing it, is there any chance you could post a picture?  In the meantime, you could bath it with diluted iodine to stop any infection setting in.  It isnt a tick is it?

See if you can post a pic, any problems posting it get back to us and we will help you out.

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: White mark on leg
Posted: 10/03/2010 by RSandys

Hi, thanks for the reply, to my embarrassment it's come off in the next bath! So she's fine again and hopefully will stay that way. Maybe it was some urine after all


Re: White mark on leg
Posted: 10/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Glad to hear alls well Becca:-)


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