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Tortoise Faecal Project 2010 / Free Faecal Screen
Posted: 07/03/2010 by DarrenAdmin


The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Exotic Animal Team are conducting a survey in 2010 into the incidence of faecal parasites and pre disposing factors in common species of chelonians.

If you would like to assist the R(D)SVS with their project and at the same time obtain a free faecal screen for your tortoise, please follow the below link for further details :-


Many Thanks



Re: Tortoise Faecal Project 2010 / Free Faecal Screen
Posted: 08/03/2010 by TPGDarren


I've checked with the Kevin, the TPG vet advisor who is running the project and the survey will run the whole of 2010.


Re: Tortoise Faecal Project 2010 / Free Faecal Screen
Posted: 25/07/2010 by TPGDave

Hi all

I was at a talk on this project today, given by one of the vets involved. They are still looking for further samples and you get a free examination into the bargain.


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