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Bubble Nose
Posted: 17/03/2010 by Debi

Hi Chaps,

need your help again, Mr Brown is not very well, he has been sneezing today , about five little sneezez in a row and little bubbles are being blown from his nose, i have called the vets and he is due in tomorrow, i gave her the symtoms and she said it sounded like bubble nose and needed treatment asap,,, hence the appointment, but i just wondered if any of you could give me any advice of what i can do to make him feel any better today, do you know how they get it or what the treatment might be, i'm so worried about him, he has done a poo today so i've put that in a little sample bottle to take with me tomorrow, all advise greatfully received.


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 17/03/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Debs
I am no expert but maybe another suggestion to make to your vet is,  has he got something up his nose, because it sounds like an irritant to me. You say he is not well, but is that just because he is sneezing or are there other symptoms? also was he eating something juicy at the time? I think I would make sure that he is kept as warm as possible for today, and hope everything goes well for you both tomorrow. I am sure someone experienced will come on soon and give you some advice
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 17/03/2010 by Debi

Thanks, he had actually just eaten a tiny bit of tomatoe that i had given him as a treat, but he had only had a small bite and then left it, i hope your right, but he just dosn't seem himself at the moment, will keep him warm and hope for the best till tomorrow.

Thanks very much for your reply

DebsClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 17/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Debs,

I've never heard it called bubble nose before?
The chances are it will either be a foreign body or RNS an upper tract respiratory infection which is usually treated with a course of Batryl.

Keep him warm and bathe him regularly. It may be worth getting a faecal sample screened to check for parasites, as this is sometimes a side-effect.


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 18/03/2010 by Debi

Thanks very much for the reply, he has been to the vets today and it seems good news, vet didn't think it was anything serious as Mr Brown seemed fine today, but they have sent off a poo sample which Mr Brown kindly supplied on the way to the, & also a swab from his mouth, the vet said to bath him with some powder which she supplied and to give him some extra vitamin powder also, but apart from that the biggest news was that Mr Brown is actually a suprise, but the vet made me feel much happier that Mr Brown is gonna be ok.

Once again many thanks


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 18/03/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Debs
So pleased for you and MRS Brown!!!! what is the powder that you have to bath her in? and by vitimin powder do you mean nutrobal? sorry just curious

Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 22/03/2010 by Debi

I asked if it was Nutrobal? as i had heard of it before, but it's called something else, it has the word electrolytes on the label but i can't remember the rest, but what ever it is , Mrs B seems much better, and i'm so relieved.....

Thanks every one for your help


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 22/03/2010 by TPGDarren


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 22/03/2010 by VivTPG

Sounds like 'critical care', that comes in sachets?


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 26/03/2010 by Debi

Just wanted to update you chaps , Mrs Brown has e-coli ( I think thats what vet said, but my husband took the message - so may be mistaken) any how Mrs B has to go back on Monday to start injections, so i've booked time of to make sure she is ok....

Will keep you updated, thanks again


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 26/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Debs,

Please do let us know how she gets on and what treatment she undergoes. Have you plenty of alcohol based handwash as if Ecoli this can be easily transmitted. Are her stools solid?


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 29/03/2010 by Debi

I will pick up some of the hand wash asap, the vet gave her her first injection this morning, and has left four more with me that we have to give her over the next eight days, she also gave her fluclozinole ( sorry about the spelling) in a tube down her throat, so she is a little off colour today, but hope she will pick up soon.

Vet said there were no parasites present which is good, her stools are solid and she generally looked ok, so i'm really hoping i can deal with the injections.... will keep you updated... many thanks


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 02/04/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Debs,

If you google Fluconazole it's actually an antifungal, whereas E Coli is a pathogen.

Before I ask Kevin to comment, would it be possible to ask your vet whether he/she would mind you getting a second opinion from another vet? (comment on the case). I do think it'll be worth it.

I would be inclined to ensure your tortoise is bathed regularly, this will help flush your tortoise through.


Re: Bubble Nose
Posted: 09/04/2010 by Debi

Sorry it taken a while to get in touch, I wouldn't mind another opinion, although Mrs B does seemfine now, the vet mentioned that that the fluconazole was to help with any yeast (thrush) infection that might flair up due to the antibiotics, she said this can sometimes occur and she did ring her husband also a vet to see what he thought, We have given the injections without any problems and she seems perfectly fine now, the vet wants me totake her back for a review next week sometime.

The vet we use was from the list on this web site, and she specialises in reptiles , her name Johanna Storm and she was really nice.

So fingers crossed that Mrs B continues to do well....

Thanks to all for your help and advice.

Debs    Click and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor



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