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Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by angelfaye202


I got a tortoise about two weeks ago he`s a horsefield. He has been fine eating well and doing generally ok but when I picked him out today I noticed he has poo stuck to the bottom of his shell so i washed him with cotton wool and water then dried it with dry cotton wool.I was just wondering if this is normal.Whenever I see poo in his tank I clean it out but usually when we let him out he goes on the floor.


Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Faye,

It's not uncommon, are you bathing him at all?
With regards to the housing, may I please ask what you are keeping him in, does it have glass sides at all ?

Good to hear from you

Kindest Regards

Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by tpgAli


This is pretty normal for them as they tend to walk through it, mine do this all the time. Are his poo's usually ok or loose?


Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by angelfaye202


I haven`t bathed him yet but I am going to tomorrow to make sure he is clean I had asked at the vets how many times should he bathed and they said a couple of times a month.

He is kept in a vivarium this is what I was advised to get they said that tortoise tables lose heat.

Thanks Lindsay

Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by angelfaye202


His poos seem normal and he likes to have one when when we let him out of his vivarium.

Thanks Lindsay

Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Lindsay,

I would like to know why your vet advised bathing only a couple of times a month. Babies and Juveniles need bathing everyday ideally or every other day as they can dehydrate very quickly.

Unfortunately people are advised wrong when it comes to housing and vivariums are NOT good as the air cannot circulate properly. Horsfields are hardy little tortoises and will not get too cold in a table top set up, just make sure this is not kept in a draughty area. Please take time to read our caresheet section where you will find one on horsfields, housing and general husbandry, here is the link

Any queries please dont hesitate to contact us again


Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by angelfaye202

Hi Ali

Thanks for letting me know I will start to bath him everyday. I want to do the best for him he is a very friendly little fellow and I will get him a tortoise table. I`ve been looking online but its very confusing looking at all the different sites so I will have a look at the care sheet. 

Thanks again for all your help


Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by angelfaye202

Hi Darren

He is in a vivarium at the minute it has glass side with a strip of holes for ventilation around it all and a mesh top.

Thanks Lindsay

Re: Tortoise poo
Posted: 24/03/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Lindsay,

Here is a link that may help showing tortoise tables and outdoor set-ups:-

Please do take a look at the care sheets (follow the headings down the left hand side on the link Al sent you).

There is so much damaging information out there:-(

Please let us know what you think of the care sheets and how you get on?



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