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bored tortoise!
Posted: 22/08/2008 by unhindered

hey guys, my tortoise seems very bored! our garden isnt ready for him yet and i wanted some advice on what to do to keep him entertained! theres a photo of his living habitat in the photo gallery under tort i found, ive since added a few more rocks but is there anything else i can do? im keeping him awake over winter also so may make him a bigger tortoise table, what do you  think?

Re: bored tortoise!
Posted: 22/08/2008 by tpgNina


Tortoises do get bored, and when they do they tend to sleep all the time. I think a larger enclosure is definitely in order -- and if the sides are high enough, you could make him a ramp up to a second level. I've tried to add some photos of the ramp in my tort's enclosure here, so I hope it works. What I do is put half her food on the level at the top of the ramp, so she gets lots of exercise going up and down it.


Re: bored tortoise!
Posted: 22/08/2008 by unhindered

wow your enclosure looks amazing! what is that stuff you have on the ramp?

Re: bored tortoise!
Posted: 22/08/2008 by tpgNina

Thanks. The cage is a rabbit/guinea pig cage, so the tray is nice and deep, and the wire framework over the top is useful for hanging lights from. The green stuff on the ramp is roofing felt (it's a sort of sandpaper like stuff that they use on roofs, and it's just rough enough to give the tortoise some traction when climbing up and down the slope. The cage is 120cm long, and I wish I'd got an even bigger one. I've added some more pictures to give you an idea of it (the last photo shows the second level before I put the ramp in)

Re: bored tortoise!
Posted: 24/08/2008 by tortoise7

Hi Nina
Your indoor pen is brilliant. Hope you don't mind but I will using your idea of the exercise ramp, it has solved so many issues for me, thank you.


Re: bored tortoise!
Posted: 24/08/2008 by unhindered

thanks for all your help i think ill leave it a little longer incase someone does claim him but its been pretty much a month now and no news! so hopefully soon he'll have a lovely tortoise mansion to roam around in


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