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very poorly tort Posted: 17/04/2010 by jandh |
I have a tort that i bought out of the paper 18 months ago , the tortoise was kept in a very small viv ,with his brother, heat bulb resting on his leg , he had several sores on his leg ,had never been outside and didnt have a uv light , my head was saying dont touch these torts but , i couldnt leave them so i bought them , since then have spent several hundered pounds on vet bills , both torts are very active and love there food , but one has always had problems with his shell being very soft and literally breaking off underneath him , i am now very concerned with his underside moving and worried that it will eventually come off all together , my local vet has treated him , and have been giving tort nutrobol and collo-cal d on his food , and has a uv light source , although he seems happy enough im worried he may be in pain , i am going to take him to a different vet , but cant afford to pay hundereds of more pounds out , i have read that u shouldnt cover shell damage but the shell seems to be rotting . advice please . | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 17/04/2010 by TPGDarren |
Hiya, | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 17/04/2010 by jandh |
Hi darren thankyou for your quick reply , tortoise is 5years old , and i have just weighed him , he is 2lb in weight , he was very big (i thought when i got him , they both were , although he has now taken over his brother with growth ) has pyramid in shell , was fed by last owner on only pellets , now any weeds growing in enclosure , dandilions and curly kale , and cucumber as a treat , i do worry about bathing as bone on bottom of tort moves about alot after bathing and worry that i cant dry properly after , has a combi bulb , heat and uv and is in tort table , not viv , he is a lovely tort , really active , but i really cant see any solution , because shell now so bad , thanks julia | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 18/04/2010 by TPGDarren |
Hiya, | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 18/04/2010 by jandh |
Hi darren , will take some im a bit rubish in computer but will try . thankyou | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 28/04/2010 by DavidWYork |
I am new to TPG yet have kept torts over 40 yrs. I have just replied to a post about eye probs, but my advice is equally apt for your beastie. A chronic vitamin D deficiency is indicated here. Cod liver oil gives great results and is cheap and widely available. If necessary force feed favourite greens with 2-3 drops of oil alternate days for a week. Animals cannot metabolise calcium unless sufficient vitamin D available. To wait for natural level boost from UV light can take too long resulting in catastrophic failure. I do hope you are lucky with your tort. Hope advice is useful. Please keep me in formed! | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 29/04/2010 by VivTPG |
Hi David, welcome to the TPG your valuable experience is much appreciated by us all. Regards Vivienne | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 01/05/2010 by jandh |
hi every one thankyou for your posts , all advice has been taken on board , i took my tortoise to a tortoise vet on wednesday , vet was informed about all previous treatments etc , vet looked under tort and said he was very worried about a infection underthe shell and that alot of shell and bone was dead , went on to scaple dead bone off of tortoise , had to keep in to cut away with electric cutter rest of dead bone , at this point i was very worried about poor minty, but vet said as bone dead tort cant feel any pain , , picked up next day half of underside cut off , (vet said tort not in any pain , but half of torts underside is exposed bone , so i hope he cant feel pain , he also was treated for worms , i treated all torts i have for worms last summer so now i am going to sent off tort samples to see if they all have it , but i am hoping that others will be clear because all kept in separate enclosures , when i get the piccys sorted will post but warning they are not very nice , minty remarkable is very active and eating well . thankyou julia ... | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 02/05/2010 by TPGDarren |
Really good new Julia:-) | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 19/05/2010 by jandh |
HI just to let you know that minty my poor tort , who had a very bad problems with his shell , is doing very well , seems to be fine , enjoying the sunshine and has been reunited with his brother in their outdoor enclosure and is lapping up the sunshine , yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , thanks julia x | |
Re: very poorly tort Posted: 19/05/2010 by TPGDarren |
Great news Julia. The sun does tend to brighten us all up eh?:-) | |