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horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 18/04/2010 by amy85

My little torty and have just moved down to england and over the course of the day he has started blowing stuff out his nose (clear liquid) and sounds like he is totally blocked up with the cold when he is breathing. much like a person would sounds with a blocked nose.  He was eating well earlier on, but seems very nder the weather now. what should i do? I intend on taking him to the vet tomorrow, but is there anyhting else i should be doing? I'm terrified he's going to stop breathing or something :(



Re: horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 18/04/2010 by tpgAli

Hi Amy,

Try not to worry. Many tortoises get runny noses for whatever reason and this could be something or nothing. Let the vet examine him and please let us know how you get on?


Re: horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 23/05/2011 by poppy100

Hi, We have just purchased two Hermans tortoises from our local rescue centre for £100 each. We have a male and a female. The female is fine and very active but the male right from the start seemed much less active. We have noticed that his breathing sounds snuffly and he has some bubbles coming out of his nose and he is not eating much and remains very inactive. We have been ptting them in the garden from Sunday to absorb the sunshine and out heat lamps are arriving tomorrow, please advise, poor little thing :(



Re: horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 23/05/2011 by VivTPG

Hi and Click and drag me down to the editorto the site.  It would be best to take them BOTH to a tortoise specialist vet to have the respiratory problems looked at, as torts can go down very quickly if this condition is left.  You could also ask to have their poo checked for worms.  We have a list of vets under 'vets and health issues' on the lefthand menu.

There are also some care sheets for Hermanns under 'the tortoise', please have a read through these and get back to us if you have any queries. 

Please let us know how you get on with your male tort. Regards Vivienne

Re: horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 24/05/2011 by poppy100

Click and drag me down to the editorHi Vivienne,

Thankyou very much for replying and I will take Toby today. Just to ask as Toby was slugish when we purchased him on Sunday do you think that we should ask the rescue centre to help with vet bills ?, many thanks Susie.


Re: horsfield with a blocked nose??
Posted: 24/05/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Susie,

Did you pay an adoption fee at all?
I do know of some so-called "rescue centres" that charge a huge "adoption fee" and others that charge nothing, but merely ask for a donation. One would obviously be better placed to help out than the other and so I would tend to make my decision based on whether a large adoption fee was charged. That's my own personal feelings - others may feel differently



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