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Posted: 27/04/2010 by cath

Sorry to be dim but have searched everywhere but where and how do I change my password ???  Click and drag me down to the editor thanks Cath

Re: passwords
Posted: 27/04/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Cath, we are just checking this out for you!!

regards Vivienne

Re: passwords
Posted: 27/04/2010 by TPGDarren

Hi Cath,

If you click on the TPG Log in on the left hand side and enter your current details, two sub-headings come up underneath it
"change log in details" - click this one and it will give you the option to change your password.

Please drop me us a line to let us know if this goes through ok?


Re: passwords
Posted: 28/04/2010 by cath


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Sorry to bother you but NO still not working the above page is what I get and there doesn't seem to be anywhere I can change password,, I'm using password sent by TPG at the mo and would like to be able to change it, hope this helps xx Cath 


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