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Posted: 02/06/2010 by ABOBELA

My Hermann Tortoise approx 4yrs has his penis stuck out, he has been to vet and i was told to give him a bath, I will be rehousing them out side this year when its warmer and i am worried that he may get an infection or damage it while he is dragging it along? Should i do anything else or take him to see another vet?


Re: Penis
Posted: 02/06/2010 by DavidWYork

Sounds very distressing for you and tort! I would certainly seek another opinion. If left untreated the tissue can  infect and may even start to dry up and die back. I have heard of dogs with this problem cured with steroid cream, and even minor surgery. Keep tort on a clean smooth surface and seek more opinions as soon as poss. Keep us posted, and good luck!      David

Re: Penis
Posted: 02/06/2010 by TPGDarren


I have to agree with David 100%. You really need a second opinion. It may well be he has torn something.
It may go back - how long has he been this way?

There is a list of recommended vets here:-


Re: Penis
Posted: 07/08/2010 by DavidWYork

How is your tortoise these days? Did his manhood sort itself out, or was surgery needed? I'm interested in what happened, could you update me please?

David inYork


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