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Shell Rot?????
Posted: 20/06/2010 by cazza

Sorry about the poor pic but can anyone see if this is shell rot. Today when bathing Frankie I noticed a tiny what looks like a chip out of his shell. Its dry and nothing is coming away from it but i have just checked him and noticed another tiny one around the back. What should I do!!????Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Shell Rot?????
Posted: 21/06/2010 by DavidWYork

Cannot access your picture, can you try again through this site please. Need to see clear close up of damaged shell to establish that it is not just age related, a climbing or  battle scar. Shell rot is very rare. Do not panic, there is lots of help around! David in York

Re: Shell Rot?????
Posted: 21/06/2010 by cazza

Cant seem to load pic sorry. I took Frankie to the vet today just to check her (I think she's a she!) over really and asked about her shell and he wasnt worried about it thinks it my be slight damage from living in a viv and poor diet before I had her but I will keep an eye on it. Also I  put her in the garden over the weekend so she could have knocked it Click and drag me down to the editor. I am also seeing the nurse who keeps Torts on wednesday so I can get advice and tips from her. I have also been shopping and brought top soil, sand and pepples for her new/better indoor table instead of Hemp so she should be happier and healthier after that!! Click and drag me down to the editor can I just ask do I need to wet the soil every day and do i need to keep her out till the soil dries off a little?? thanks for your help.

Re: Shell Rot?????
Posted: 21/06/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Cazza, glad it was good news at the vets.  If you still want to upload the pics you can follow the advice on the gallery page, you must resize them to small and upload them quickly as it times out!  Any problems send them to me and I will upload them for you.

Your table sounds as though its coming along fine.  With the sand and soil you can mist it first thing in the morning to keep dust down, this replicates early morning dew, no need to take the tort out, the lamps soon dry it up!

Keep us informed of his progress, regards Vivienne

Re: Shell Rot?????
Posted: 23/06/2010 by cazza

Hi ya me again!!! Frankie busied the nurse today to have her well tort check! They were pleased with her said just looked good and was lively. Didn't seem worried about her shell but I will still keep an eye on it! The nurse said not to use sand for her table and to just use soil as sand can cause blockages? She was weighed and a but low on the Jackson ratio but will also check this regually.


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