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great news
Posted: 18/07/2010 by winnie

Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd be really sad and share my good news. I've been offered 2 female Horsfields which I am hopefully picking up next weekend. I'm very excited about receiving these 2 new arrivals and will no doubt be sending you some pics once I have them. Sorry but I had to tell someone who understands the tort enthusiasim. I'll now be spending the next week running around like a headless chicken trying to get another tort table set up.

A very excited Winnie 

Re: great news
Posted: 18/07/2010 by janice

So pleased for you. I get just as excited when we have a new tort. How many will you have includung these two ?


Re: great news
Posted: 18/07/2010 by VivTPG

Cant wait to see the pics!


Re: great news
Posted: 19/07/2010 by winnie

Hi Janice & Viv,

I've only got the one at the mo. I'm finding it quite weird that I'm actually starting to get a bit panicy about owning another two. I don't know why as I feel quite comfortable when it comes to looking after steve. I'll be posting some pics as soon as i get them just to confirm they are both girls. Finding out steve was a steve and not a queenie was quite stressful at the time so would like to be a little more prepared. Roll on the weekend!!!!!!


Re: great news
Posted: 19/07/2010 by TPGDarren

They're both very lucky to be going to such a caring home:-)

Looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing how they get on Winnie


Re: great news
Posted: 19/07/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Winnie

How exciting is that, as Darren says, lucky them going to such a good home. Can't wait to see the piccies

Jane,Keya & Molly


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