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Lost Tortoise
Posted: 22/07/2010 by winnie

A lady in the Liverpool area has lost a female tortoise. She thinks it's a Hermans and it's 50+ years. It went missing from her garden 2 weeks ago. I've told her to check the whole of her garden especially around the roots of plants, just incase it's dug down but she thinks the garden gate may have been left open by someone. I told her I would pop a post on her for her, hope that's ok?


Re: Lost Tortoise
Posted: 22/07/2010 by VivTPG

Hi Winnie, thanks for posting about the loss, have you advised her to contact John Hayward from the National Theft Register for Zoological wildlife Investigations who runs a register of all such cases.  His contact details are:

Tel/fax: 01869 325699
Mobile:  07802 404929
Pager:  07626 120425

Regards Vivienne

Re: Lost Tortoise
Posted: 22/07/2010 by winnie

Hi Viv,

I didn't no. She sounded an elderly lady and she was getting quite upset on the phone so I just said I let you guys know. When I asked her what kind of tort it was she just told me it was one of the common ones, when I mentioned Hermans she said that sounded familiar so I'm guessing that's what it is. She was really sweet bless her, I felt dead sorry for her.


Re: Lost Tortoise
Posted: 28/07/2010 by winnie

Just thought I'd let you all know that this lady has found her tortoise. A happy ending to a sad story.


Re: Lost Tortoise
Posted: 28/07/2010 by tpgAli

Thats brilliant news and always good to hear. Thanks for letting us know Winnie.



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