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Lost Female Horsfield Age 8
Posted: 24/08/2010 by hhinton

I have lost an 8 year old Female Horsfield Tortoise escaped from my garden in Woodley Reading on 3rd July.

If found please contact me.



Re: Lost Female Horsfield Age 8
Posted: 28/08/2010 by DavidWYork

Sorry to read your posting!   Have you organised a thorough fingertip search ( on all fours like the police do?) of all your garden? I have kept torts for years, and very occasionally one will dig in early in an attempt to respond to cooler weather at this time of year. They are so difficult to find as they can enter the soil via a flower bed... and  be found under the edge of a lawn, a long way from entrance signs, and be very hard to spot! All those of us with largely outdoor torts will be checking very regularly to ensure we know the whereabouts of our torts in gardens or enclosures. Now that night time temps are lowering, torts go into pre hibernation mode according to temp, sun levels and daylight length. On any warm days from now on, check favoured spots for signs. Good luck, and keep us posted. David in York 


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