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tortoise weight
Posted: 13/09/2010 by beth

hi i have a 3 year old horsefield she weighs 400g and is 12 cm long is this a good weight or is she to small ? thanks

Re: tortoise weight
Posted: 14/09/2010 by tortoise7

It looks a good weight but you need to go by the Macintosh ratio which is designed for Horsfields. I have Hermans who go by the Jackson Ratio guidelines. I thought both graphs where on this site, but I couldn't find the Macintosh in "The Tortoise" and then "weight/length" links from the left hand side, hopefully TPG will be able to help.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: tortoise weight
Posted: 15/09/2010 by winnie

Hi Beth,

Try looking for the Macintyre Ratio for Horsfields. I have 3 Horsfields here but I'm nowhere near being an expert but I have to ask, are you sure your Horsfield is only 3 years as I would say that it sounds a bit big for it's age. My first Horsfield was aged at around 6-7 years+ when I got him last year and he was less then 12cm. As I've said though, I'm certainly no expert and I'm sure someone more in the know will come on to help you.


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