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UVB lights
Posted: 04/09/2008 by aliceham

Please can anyone advise on what strength UVB tube lighting to use for a 2-month old hatchling Hermann's tortoise, kept in open-topped tortoise table approximately 4'x2'? We have been sold a 10.0 output one by local pet shop, but now realise they may have misadvised us and perhaps we only need 5.0? The tube runs the length of the enclosure and is approx 10" above base of table. (We have a separate 100W sun-glo spot basking lamp).

Re: UVB lights
Posted: 04/09/2008 by vivtpgadmin

Hi, yes the 10.0 is the highest output which is required by tortoises, is it a Repti Glo?  I have a couple of those, they do have to be replaced after 7-8 months of use.

VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: UVB lights
Posted: 05/09/2008 by aliceham

Thanks Vivienne. Yes, it is a Repti-Glo. We were worried though about the strength being too high as I read somewhere that 10.0 can damage tortoises' eyesight in the long-term, so was wondering whether to go back and change it for a 5.0... but perhaps small tortoises need the extra strength then? It's all very confusing!

Re: UVB lights
Posted: 05/09/2008 by vivtpgadmin

No the stronger the better for the med torts, the sun is much more powerful in their native lands, and as long as you have lots of little hides, caves or plants in the enclosure they will soon move under cover to these if they want to escape the heat or lightClick and drag me down to the editor  A lot of people have moved to the combined heat/uv all in one lamps, one such is the Megaray, these lamps give out much more uv than the strip lights.  This of course wouldnt apply to the tropical torts such as Red Foots who live in the tropical forests their eyes wouldn't cope with the brighter lights.

Hope this helps  VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: UVB lights
Posted: 05/09/2008 by aliceham

All becoming gradually clearer! Many thanks for this advice - we'll leave the strip light as it is. He does hide away quite a bit in a little cave we created in one corner of the table near the basking lamp, with a piece of slate over the top!

Re: UVB lights
Posted: 05/09/2008 by vivtpgadmin

Glad it helped, just one thing, its best to have a hide/cave in the cooler end too as he might want to hide to escape the heat! This way he has the choice!!  It would be nice to see a pic of your tort and set up, you could add a photo in the members galleryClick and drag me down to the editor


Re: UVB lights
Posted: 06/09/2008 by aliceham

thanks. have created an album in members gallery named 'Percy'. That conquers all our worries! He has lots of shelters in the middle, end, everywhere!

Re: UVB lights
Posted: 06/09/2008 by vivtpgadmin

Oh Wow, Percy is so sweet and tiny, I cant remember mine being that small.  He is gorgeous and sounds like he is well pampered with you!!Click and drag me down to the editor



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