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Indestructible worms!
Posted: 04/10/2010 by KNS

Our adult TGG that we acquired a couple of months ago was found to have a "heavy burden" of eggs - and in fact the scientific testing was not really necessary because the evidence didn't require a microscope!  The poor thing has poo'd out lots of adult worms (some pretty big ones) and smaller worms.  The bigger ones are alive when they come out but die fairly quickly, and we have religiously cleaned the area afterwards to avoid re-infestation. 

She has had two doses of Panacur through stomach tubing at the vets - we returned a fortnight after the first dose because of the worms still being present.  On Saturday she had her first turn-out since the most recent dose (again about a fortnight ago) and her poo was absolutely riddled with red adult worms and smaller ones - worse than ever. 

What's going wrong - why is the worming treatment not working?  Or might it have worked now - there were so many, perhaps that's all of them?  We are considering waiting for her next "go" to see if there are any left before taking her back for a THIRD time but we're conscious of the rapidly approaching hibernation time and really don't want her to miss out as she has apparently hibernated every year of her life, and seems fit and healthy in every other way (although slightly underweight, presumably due to the worms).  Any suggestions/guidance would be much appreciated, thank you.

Can't believe I typed this whilst eating my lunch........  Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Indestructible worms!
Posted: 05/10/2010 by TPGDave

Hi there,

Just a thought but what substrate has she been on between treatments? The worm eggs can sit on the ground and can be reingested starting the whole cycle again. Some people keep tortoises on newspaper, changed daily, whilst tortoises are receiving worming treatment.


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