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General Care
Posted: 24/11/2010 by kermit4487

I am thinking of getting a tortoise and was wondering if you could possibly help me with some details about how the indoors "tank" should be set up? Also, is it absolutely necessary to have access to a garden (and if so how often should they go out?
Thank you very much for your help!

Re: General Care
Posted: 25/11/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Kate and welcome
I would suggest that you read the care sheets accessed from the links on the left hand side and have a good read before you buy a tortoise. The care sheets will help you t decide whether a tortoise is the pet for you.
The first thing you will read is that Tanks are out, open enclosures in, and that gardens are essential if you own a tortoise. If you decide to go ahead and have a tortoise, your life will never be dull, in a nice way though!! anyway have a read and then fire away with the questions, everyone will be happy to help. Happy reading
Jane, Keya & Molly


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