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Posted: 08/12/2010 by Row

Hi All,

Just wanted to pop along and say hello and to wish all a happy hibernation!

I still log onto the site for catch up but touch wood no urgent issues to post about!!!

Tetley and Twiglet are doing mighty fine although they are not hibernating this year as I didn't feel they were fat enough!!!  They had gained steadily through out the summer months but still coming up as low on the graphs so decided to over winter them.  Hopefully next year they will have piled on the pounds.

Hope everyone and their shelled friends are doing good?

Row, Tetley and Twiglet x

Re: Hello!!!
Posted: 09/12/2010 by tortoise7

Hi Row

Glad your still around and that Tetley & Twiglet are doing fine Click and drag me down to the editor
I had the same problem as you with Keya the last couple of years, but this year her weights stabilized and I have hibernated her for the first time. Molly is on her final 2 days before going into the fridge, so I will be tortoiseless Click and drag me down to the editor goodness knows what I will do with all this time to myself!!!
I have brought myself an aquarium so I guess that will keep me occupied
Jane, Keya & Molly



Re: Hello!!!
Posted: 09/12/2010 by TPGDave

Hi Row,

Nice to hear from you. Do I remember seeing a great looking, huge outdoor run for T&T somewhere in the summer? It looked brilliant, maybe all the exercise kept them trim? I'm joking, its a tough decision to overwinter, not an easy option by any means.

Re: Hello!!!
Posted: 10/12/2010 by Row

Hi Dave, Jane, Keya & Molly!!!

Jane it's made me  feel better knowing that others have experienced underweight torts!!  Made me feel bad that I was starving them lol!!!

As for the out door pad yes you may have seen pics else where but hopefully I've attached it here too?  It was also extended  so I think its 17ft long now!!!!!

This weekned is dividing tort table in 2 as the last week they have fought and are taking  chunks out of each other grrrr!!!!!

Lovely to hear from you.

Row x



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