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Newcomer Posted: 03/03/2011 by tehya |
Hi everyone... Ive been interested in owning a tortoise but thought it best to do some homework first as these little creatures do need alot of looking after. | |
Re: Newcomer Posted: 03/03/2011 by TPGDarren |
Hi Tehya, to our group:-) We have lots of very good caring keepers on here, so please feel free to ask as many questions as you feel necessary The easiest tortoises to keep in the UK are Iberas, Hermanns & Marginated tortoises. Here are some links that will hopefully help:-
Care sheets for tortoises:- (please click the links on the left hand side of the page for each species)
List of recommended UK Breeders:- Just about all tortoises sold by pet shops are imported, which can be very stressful for them and many arrive into the
Ideas for enclosures:- Despite what pet shops promote vivariums are not suitable for tortoises, they offer only one temperature (a tortoise requires a range of temperatures) and they are far too humid for most species of tortoise.
Heating/lighting There are various lamps on the market, though most tend to use the above
Lamp holder:-
HTH Darren | |