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Succulant mix potted plants, HELP
Posted: 06/03/2011 by Bushby

HI, I purchased 2 potted succulant plant mix from Ikea.

They are called Haworthia Pentagona & Echeveria Pelucida. I have had a look on the Tortoise table website, there is the Echeveria one listed but it says (hens & chicks) does not mension Pelucida. Does anyone know if its safe to give to a Hermann tortoise? thanks xx

Re: Succulant mix potted plants, HELP
Posted: 06/03/2011 by VivTPG

Hi, the best people to ask are the tortoisetable girls!!  They are the experts, there is a forum like this called the 'garden shed' where you can ask away

regards Vivienne

Re: Succulant mix potted plants, HELP
Posted: 07/03/2011 by Bushby

Thanks, I shall do that xx


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