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Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 25/03/2011 by Heidi_DR

Hello, I have decided I want to get a tortoise,Ideally I would like one that doesn't hibernate. I have been doing lots of research and found most sites to be very contradictory. I have been looking into red foot tortoises, and found some on the tortoise centre website, but after reading the past posts on this forum I'm guessing buying one from there would be a very bad idea. A new reptile shop has opened near me so I went to see what he had, he said he could get me a red foot but it may take a while as they are harder to find. I have looked at the UK breeders list on this website and it would seem the nearest red foot breeder to me is in Lancashire (I am in Doncaster). I'm wondering if a tortoise would be able to cope with the journey from Lancashire to Doncaster as I wouldn't want to harm him. Also are vivariums a definite no-no? I have two dogs which would very rarely (if ever) get anywhere near the tortoise but I was thinking a vivarium would be safer in case they did some how manage to get into the same area. Just wondering if anyone can give me any more advice on what would be a suitable breed to go for and whether Lancashire is too far to transport a tortoise?
Thank you for taking the time to read this

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 26/03/2011 by VivTPG

Hi Heidi,

It's good to see you are doing your research before buying a tortoise. 

Most of the non-hibernating species are more for the experienced keeper, they need heating and lighting 24/7, they are also some of the largest tortoises.  This includes Red Foots, they grow to around 18inches.  They are also tropical tortoises which means you also have to supply a much higher humidity for them, and lighting has to be carefully regulated to mimic the tropical forests they come from as too much light can damage their eyes.  Red Foots also need a different diet, consisting of carrion (meat) and fruits etc.  Please read our care sheet . 

Some people do keep red foots in vivariums but as they grow so large it would have to be a very large viv.

If you can get one from a reputed breeder in Lancashire I would most definitely do that.  You may have to travel to get any tort from a reputed breeder, but it is well worth it.  If you choose the pet/reptile dealer he has to wait for one to be imported, so that poor tort will be plucked/farmed from the wild and travel a much further distance in dreadful conditions!

|Please let us know how you get on, regards Vivienne

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 26/03/2011 by Heidi_DR

Thank you for your advice. What breed would you recommend for a beginner.
The reason I'm reluctant to get one that hibernates is because I'm quite worried about it not waking up again.

The guy in the shop told me no breed needs to hibernate as long as you keep them under the lights during winter. This set alarm bells ringing for me because I'v been reading up on all the different breeds and to me not hibernating them would cause them harm.

There are breeders much closer to me who breed Hermann's and horsefields. Would they be a better breed for me to start with?

Also I'v been told by someone who owns a 5 year old Hermann that they don't hibernate him yet because he is too young.
I found this very hard to believe but can anyone shed any light on it.

Thank you again for the advice, I will definitely take it all on board as I really want to do it all properly and keep my tortoise fit and healthy and hopefully pass it down to further generations!

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 26/03/2011 by VivTPG

Hi, a Hermanns or Horsfield would be fine for a beginner, Horsfields do have lots of character but are climbers and diggers!! 

These tortoises in the wild do hibernate, but it is possible to keep them awake with lights and heat. 

For the first year you will be getting to know your tortoise, weighing it to check for steady progress, if your not sure you could wait til the next year to hibernate it, when you will be more confident. Then we can help you through the hibernation process at that stage.  Some pet shops give out wrong advice saying you cant hibernate them for 5 years, but in the wild they hibernate from year 1!!

Let us know how you get on, regards Vivienne

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 26/03/2011 by Heidi_DR

Thank you so much for the advice, I've got in touch with one of the breeder's from the list on here and am hopefully going to get a Hermann now. The lady is being really helpful and has sent me numerous links to more information.

I think this website and forum is fantastic and there are obviously a lot of very genuine people who are more than willing to help others.

Thank you for all your help.
Hopefully I will have my own soon and will post some pictures up :)

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 26/03/2011 by VivTPG

Wow that's great news!  Cant wait to see the pics, that will be one lucky tort to have you as its owner!!

Regards Vivienne

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 27/03/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Heidi
Welcome, I have been reading your post and so excited for you. I keep Hermans and they are a good breed to start with, mine have lots of character especially the baby. Look forward to seeing your photo's. Regarding the hibernation, as long as you have a good read about how to do it before you start, which I know you will, and giving yourself plenty of time to set everything up, hibernation is not a scary thing to do, plus you have plenty of support on this site.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Wanting a redfoot but need some expert advice
Posted: 10/06/2012 by

Hi also looking for hermann in Lancashire area please can you tell me breeders details thanks


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