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Rubbing shell
Posted: 09/04/2011 by Paul77

My tortoise shell is rubbing against his back right leg causing open wounds. He is clearly experiencing some discomfort. The shell seems to be growing unevenly. Any advice please and an address for a specialist in wiltshire . TIA

Re: Rubbing shell
Posted: 10/04/2011 by DavidWYork

Sounds worrying. You need a good reptile vet and soon. Hopefully someone reading this will get in touch with you today. In the meantime, I would stick a padded plaster over rough edge of shell, one with smooth surface to reduce further abrasion. (It could also be a joint problem and if tortoise is  walking differently, that may be cause of abrasion.) I would clean wound with a weak solution of iodine and then try to keep totally dry. You must avoid flies getting to the wound as some would see this as a perfect egg-laying site. Is tortoise excreting and feeding as before? Clear photos would be useful to help solve/identify the issues...good luck with finding an exotics vet, that is the real solution.              David nr York

Re: Rubbing shell
Posted: 11/04/2011 by VivTPG

Hi, I agree with David, best to get him to a vet, the vet can perhaps file the shell down to smooth it off, and generally check him out.

Meanwhile, keep the wound clean with diluted iodine/povidine.

Here is the link to our vets list  hopefully there is one within reasonable travelling distance to you.

Please let us know how you get on, as it helps us all in the long run!

Regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editor


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