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Posted: 18/04/2011 by tobyhawk

our tortoise has had an unfortunate accident today - our 7 year bullmastiff has unfortunatly chewed on his shell, i have bathed him in warm water with tcp but think he really needs to see a vet - can anyone recommend a vet in the newport south wales area please?

vets in Wales
Posted: 18/04/2011 by DavidWYork

Hello there...sounds like bad news. You do need a good vet and quicky. 

This is a link to the TPG vet list. Wish it was more comprehensive, but if members add to it we will all be beneficiaries.

Good luck, and please let us know the outcome. David nr York

Re: Help
Posted: 19/04/2011 by VivTPG

Hi, this happened to me a few years back, you must get the tort to a vet asap as dogs teeth carry lethal bacteria, also the vet has to check that the puncture wounds have not damaged any internal organs.

Until you see a vet, thoroughly bathe the wounds with diluted iodine/povodine. 

My tort had to stop at the vets for 3 weeks, she performed miracles on him, cleaning the puncture wounds with cotton wool buds soaked in iodine, and then had flamozine cream on them, and injected with steroids and strong antibiotics.  He pulled through and his cheeky character returned, although his shell looks very war torn.

Please let us know how you get on, or if you are having difficulty finding a vet.

Regards Vivienne


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