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Little Greenhouse
Posted: 18/06/2011 by HelenandBrian

Hi everyone, I have bought a sweet little children's greenhouse from Asda which is brilliant for smaller outdoor enclosures. It is bright green and is big enough to hold the 4 small flowerpots it is sold with. The sides and top are thick plastic. I have removed the front panel as an entrance and buried it in the ground to cover the ledge at the front. Brian spent all day in it yesterday, it only costs £4 and is in their gardening section.
Helen xxx

Re: Little Greenhouse
Posted: 18/06/2011 by HelenandBrian

I meant to add that I will try to upload a picture later!!

Re: Little Greenhouse
Posted: 20/06/2011 by tortoise7

Sounds brilliant, that would be a good idea for netty, the lady who has found the tort

phot would be great
Jane, Keya & Molly


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