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Stray tortoise
Posted: 20/06/2011 by


Found tortoise the other day on road, think its a male horsfield about five years old based on info on internet sites. Put the word out around neighbours & local pet shop no joy. I am happy to look after him but am unsure what to do, i have no lamps at the moment so is keeping warm on underfloor heating. Not sure if he is very well, seems ok in morn, crawling round, then sits still for rest of day, didn't eat or drink yest, gave him bath this morn had bit dandelion leaf but not drank. Tried putting him outside in pen he just sits there or hides inside box & gets very cold. Should I take him to vet?

Re: Stray tortoise
Posted: 20/06/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Netty

Ghosh not what you expect to see walking up the road is it? Click and drag me down to the editor

That would be a good idea to get him checked over by a vet that specialises in torts, and they could confirm the species, and give you some guidance. In the meantime, all the torts need heat, and lets assume that it is a horsfield, have a look at this link

Keep us posted
Jane, Keya & Molly


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