Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 05/07/2011 by dougle25
I am looking into getting a couple of small tortoise’s to live in a aquarium but cant find out what breed they are .I have been told that they could be a bog or a semi aquatic tortoise ?. I look for ones about 3 ins long ?
Thanks for your help
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 05/07/2011 by tortoise7
Hi Dave I think you mean turtles not tortoises, the difference is most important. What sort of set-up are you thinking of having? you will need to know about aquatic maintenance, filtration, water changes, water PH and the Nitrogen cycle etc. it would be a good idea to read up on the subject before choosing a turtle. Most hardy turtles grow to the size of a dinner plate, the smaller turtles are usually quite complex to keep, two examples are Mud turtles which grow to 3-6in and Musk turtles which can also be known as stinkpots. Have a look at the link below for some information on basic aquatic turtle care
Jane,Keya & Molly
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 05/07/2011 by dougle25
I was hoping to get tortoises that i could keep.
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 05/07/2011 by tortoise7
Hi Dave Have you read the care sheets on the right hand side? this will give you an idea of the the different tortoises, if I was you I would wait a while before I got them, so that I understood what was involved in owning a tortoise Regards Jane, keya & Molly
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 06/07/2011 by dougle25
Aquatic Tortoise :
Aquatic Tortoise are kept indoors and are commonly housed in the aquariums.
Outdoor housings are seasonal and used only during warm days and may consist of some pond.
These Tortoises produce a lot of waste and hence water needs to be filtered very frequently.
Basking types may require some rocks or partially submerged logs to climb on during basking.
The non basking Tortoise will float on aquatic vegetation or on top of water.
Semi aquatic Tortoise:
Semi aquatic Tortoise can be housed in the aquariums but will need more land than the water.
This can be done by providing a water dish in corner of an aquarium or a terrarium which is firmly anchored to the bottom.
Tortoise can soak and go back when ever they feel.
You may build any type of enclosures with a water area as these Tortoise require a lot of land.
These Tortoises can be kept outdoors seasonally.
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 06/07/2011 by dougle25
Sorry this is what i am looking for.
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 06/07/2011 by tortoise7
Hi Dave Never heard of an aquatic tortoise, and I don't think you will find anyone who has it would be fatal to put a tortoise in water, and in a viv. Turtles are aquatic and this is what I think you are meaning. Did you read the care sheet from the link I put in my last posting? Jane,Keya & Molly
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 07/07/2011 by tortoise7
Hi Dave Sorry quick answer last night as it was late. You may be getting the term Aquatic tortoise from Australia/Canada where they call all turtles tortoise. When you say aquatic and living in a viv, I think you are referring to Box turtles who need very humid conditions, and go to rivers and muddy places. The size fully grown is usually at 6inches, but different species and sex will vary those sizes. These are quite specialist reptiles to keep and you may want to seriously look at the cost and space it would take to set this up. Hope that helps a little, not a expert on this subject as you may have guessed but know a bit about them from a chelonia course I took before I had my torts. Jane, Keya & Molly
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 21/09/2011 by horsefeild123
please dont put a poor tort in water i think ur looking for a turtle or terrapin
Re: Small Tortoise breed ? Posted: 16/11/2011 by horsefeild123
you dont seem to know what your talking about but i thnk you talking about