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Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 11/07/2011 by Genny89

Hi, noticed today that my new horsefield tortoise has a grey patch on her neck, had her for three weeks now, shes eating fine and very active and otherwise perfect health =D a very happy little tortoise

But i couldnt find anything online or in books about what it could be, or if its just the colour of her skin, i can't be sure if shes always had it.

anyone got any ideas? if needed i will take her to the vets tonight!!!



Re: Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 11/07/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Genny
Where is the patch, can you post a photo so we can see it? It probably isn't anything to worry about, sounds like normal pigmentation but it is always good to get advice or check anything you are not sure of out, we have all been through this ourselves, it helps us to get experience.

Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 12/07/2011 by Genny89

Thank you for replying so fast, ive attached a photo, the patch is on her neck, with slight speckles of grey further down when she fully extends her neck

Thanks Genny =D

Re: Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 12/07/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Genny
It just looks like pigmentation of the skin, as it is not red/weepy or swollen or anything  to suggest an abscess. When did you notice it?  and has it got bigger since you first saw it? keep an eye on it and if it changes then take her to a tort vet
Good photo, very clear.
Jane, Keya & Molly

Re: Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 13/07/2011 by Genny89


i noticed it two days ago and it still looks the same, i will keep an eye on it and if it changes she will be going straight to the vets, thank you so much for all your help =D

Re: Horsefield tortoise
Posted: 14/07/2011 by tortoise7

Its good that you keep an eye on your tort, if there was a problem, catching things early makes all the difference.
Glad I could help
Jane, Keya & Molly


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