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not eating
Posted: 06/08/2011 by emma newman

Hi,my tortoise is around 30 years old and has always been very healthy,until 10 days ago when he seems to have stopped eating, he walks around looking for food but will only eat a mouthful and then walks away. I have offered him lots of different food types but cannot tempt him with anything. I have bathed him in warm water but nothing is helping,anyone got any ideas? I am very worried about him!

Re: not eating
Posted: 06/08/2011 by tortoise7

Is his beak the correct size and have you checked his mouth? sorry for questions just trying to get a picture. Is he pooing & weeing Ok? lovely subject I know but it helps to see if everything is working ok

Re: not eating
Posted: 08/08/2011 by emma newman

Hi, he is weeing ok but hasn't had a poo for a while now, he did eat a mouth full of melon yesterday but stops after one or two bites! vets in our area are useless. we havent checked inside his mouth(don't really know how to open it) but his beak seems normal.

Re: not eating
Posted: 08/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Emma
I know both mine have slowed down on eating, this weather is so changeable their body clock is getting confused, I know mine has Ha Ha
Has he got access to heat? I think it would be a good idea to the take him to a tortoise vet, have you had a look at the vets list on the left hand side, if there is not a vet near you let me know your area and I will look for one near you.

Re: not eating
Posted: 08/08/2011 by emma newman

thanks, we have got an appointment on wednesday to see a vet who knows about tortoises so hopefully will know more then.

Re: not eating
Posted: 09/08/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Emma
You will probably feel a lot happier after seeing the vet, lets us know how you got on


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