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scale on face
Posted: 17/08/2011 by bubbles

Hi I have a hermann tortoise approximately 3 years old and just near her mouth at the side but slightly back, a round scale has come off when bathing her. Is this normal.

Re: scale on face
Posted: 17/08/2011 by tortoise7

Yes they do loose scales, as long as it doesn't look sore or raw underneath then it should be Ok, just keep an eye on it. Maybe if you could post a photo that always helps.

Re: scale on face
Posted: 19/08/2011 by bubbles

Sorry can't get camera working properly. Took her to the vets because I had recently put another post up and was concerned about her eye on the same side of face where her scale was coming off face. She gave us some fucithalmic eye drops for her eye as she said there was a small cut just in the corner. She asked us to go back in and see her if we are concerned, but did say that they often loose scales and it isn't necessarily anything to worry about.
I had told her that I wanted to make sure she was fit enough for hibernation in the near future.
Talking about hibernation I was looking on the web site at how to hibernate using the box method and it shows a polysterene chest box being used.
Just to let anyone know who may not know, alot of pet shops that have live fish use these to have them delivered in and I was lucky enough to be given this free of charge. they were really happy to dispose of it and also said that alot of people use them to incubate eggs as well. I hope this information is useful.

Re: scale on face
Posted: 21/08/2011 by VivTPG

Thanks for the update Rach, I agree about the fish boxes, I successfully hatched 8 eggs in one!!

Re: scale on face
Posted: 22/08/2011 by tortoise7

Thanks for letting us know the outcome as we can all learn from these issues that come up. Glad all Ok

Re: scale on face
Posted: 27/09/2011 by victoriataylor5

I got my polystyrene box from a fruit and veg Market trader as they get fruit delivered in them. Vicky and Sidney xx


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